﹛﹛Established in 1985 with a registered capital of CNY 10.68 million, Shanghai Jiangdu Food Machinery Installation Co., Ltd. (the ※Company§) is a company focused on manufacture and engineering installation of food and beverage production equipment. With Yangzhou Changhai Food Machinery Co., Ltd. as the production base, the Company is engaged in process design, system integration, equipment manufacture, installation and debugging and ##
﹛﹛Welcome to Shanghai Jiang Du Food Machinery Installation Co., Ltd. Website, we will use this as a platform dedicated to provide you with quality service! Also sincerely hope to be your support!
﹛﹛Company to Shanghai as the window, and northern Jiangsu Yangzhou, as a production base and dedication for the new and old customers to provide better products, and convenience services. Your development needs our support. We rely on you for survival##
COPYRIGHT(C) Shanghai Jiangdu Food machinery installation Co.,Ltd.& Yangzhou Changhai Food Machinery Co., ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
AddㄩShanghai City, Long Wu Road 1717 Lane 85, Room 301﹛Telㄩ021-61249708﹛LinkmanㄩMr.Cheng﹛P.C.ㄩ200231
Factory AddㄩNO.3,Changhai Road of Xiaoji Industrial Park,Yangzhou City﹛Telㄩ0514-86593555﹛Faxㄩ0514-86593566﹛LinkmanㄩMr.Qiu﹛Mobile phoneㄩ13952777624﹛P.C.ㄩ225241